Chronicles of a Jedi Master

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A special mision

I had hoped that the incoming message would be from Anakin but to my disappointment it is Master Yoda's voice that resonated over the com.

"Meet we must at once." Yoda said without any of his usual platitudes. "In the council room we will be."

I have no choice but to go and when I enter the council room I find Masters Yoda and Mace present with grim faces. I do not have a good feeling about this.

"Good evening Masters." A quick bow to show my respects.

"Good evening Obi Wan." Mace's eyes are darker than usual.

"Good for you to come it is." Yoda greets me. "A matter of urgency we have for you."

"Will you please explain." I am most curious as to what might be wrong.

"A known criminal has escaped from prison this afternoon. You are familiar with him: Marusi. He is, as you know, extremely dangerous and well connected to Coruscant's undeworld." Mace pauses for a moment.

"What makes you so sure he is still here?" I do not like the sound of this at all.

"All ports have been shut down temporarily and security has been increased. We believe he has unfinished business here in the city." Mace explains.

"And why is it I who is best suited to find him?"

"Dealings with him you had in the past. Best you know him." Yoda says.

"I am aware that I had more than my share of incidences with him but he also knows me too well. He would recognize me from afar."

"There is not other way to go about this." Mace takes a long breath. "You must dress in civilian attire and wear a disguise if necessary."

"I will do what I can. Any leads as to where he might be or any witnesses?"

"He has a female contact in the lower city. Her name is Cenna. We have information as to her whereabouts. I have a data pad with the information vital to this mission." Mace nods toward Yoda.

A few choice words form in my head but never roll off my tongue but I refrain from voicing my oppinion.

"when will the information be available to me?"

"In about an hour. Meet me at the temple landing platform and I will brief you there." Mace says with a final nod.

"A special frequency you must use when communicating with us." Yoda adds.

"If there is nothing else I shall go and prepare for my mission." With a bow indicating that I am ready to leave I turn to leave. Once outside I let out a liberating breath. This will make communication almost impossible with Anakin and I hope to hear from him within the hour.

Once in my quarters I change quickly into what seems appropriate for such a venture. I still have a window of time to relax and perhaps meditate a bit. Force help Marusi if he harms anyone on this planet. He has inflicted great damage to other beings and the senatorial district is too vulnurable.

Posted by Master Obi-Wan :: 10:23 PM :: 11 comments

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